Battlefield 4 - Premium Edition XONE Xbox Live Key

Kód: 10000000606008
€18,40 €14,96 bez DPH
Elektronický kľúč - do 1 hod. (dodanie Po-Pi,9:00-17:00)

Elektronické kľúče dodávame počas pracovných dní od 9:00-17:00 emailom do 1 hodiny od potvrdenia objednávky a platby. Cez víkendy a sviatky, kľúče nedodávame, dodanie prebehne bezodkladne najbližší pracovný deň!

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Detailné informácie

Podrobný popis

Battlefield 4: Premium Edition includes the base game and:

    • 5 digital expansion packs with new content
    • Earlier access to all expansions
    • Additional personalization options
    • Priority in server queues
    • Weekly Updates with new content
    • Exclusive events – double your XP

Battlefield 4: Premium Edition for Origin platform is a digital product- no box delivery.

EA’s Battlefield 4 is the fourth installment in a famous first-person shooter video game franchise. The game takes the player into modern time military conflicts that happen in different types of settings, from big cities to deserted rural areas or mountains. The realism in the game is top-notch as you can see bullets flying everywhere and tanks, planes and helicopters flying on the battlefield.

You also have to watch out for building collapsing in front of you as well as for airstrike attacks that force you to constantly move and change your position. Thanks to all this, players really believe they became an elite soldier and that they are in the middle of a real horrible war. Battlefield 4 contains both a solid single-player campaign and a great multiplayer with tons of modes like Conquest or Team Deathmatch, and up to 64 players able to participate in the same game session.

Battlefield 4

Storyline and characters

The story of Battlefield IV takes place in the year 2020, six years after the previous installment. The player character, Sgt. Daniel "Reck" Recker, member of a special tactical squad known as the Tombstone, is deployed to China to save a few VIP's located in Shanghai. At the same time, the situation between the global powers of Russia, China and The United States of America is fraught and the world is on the verge of another global conflict.


Your mission is to find and stop an ambitious Chinese admiral that plans to overthrow his government and start another world war. Helping you in saving the world are a group of really interesting characters. First, there is your avatar Daniel Recker, a silent type of badass who cares about finishing his job. Then there’s Staff Sergeant William Dunn, a heroic and professional fighter, who always cares about his team. You are also going to meet Kimble Graves, an Irish soldier who is the loudest and the most emotional among the entire group.

Battlefield 4 - The Game


Edition received a lot of praise and positive reviews from players and game experts due to a huge amount of content provided with the expansion packs, great multiplayer and countless mods which you can enjoy with your friends.

Key features:

  • Great multiplayer with various mods and up to 64 players.
  • Engaging single player campaign and co-op mode.
  • Diverse soldier classes, types of weaponry and vehicles.
  • Various interesting game modes, including the Commander mode.
  • All 5 DLC expansion packs included.
  • Customization and additional content and features in this Premium Edition.

Release Date: 2013-10-31


Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Hry
Digitální platforma: Xbox Live
PEGI: 18
Typ distribúcie: elektronická
Násilie: 0
Vulgarizmy: 0
Diskriminácia: 0
Drogy: 0
Desivé prvky: 0
Hazard: 0
Online režim: 0
Sex: 0

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