Dead by Daylight - Darkness Among Us DLC (PC) Steam Key

Kód: 92113100031SK1675
€19,51 €15,86 bez DPH
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Podrobný popis

Dead By Daylight Darkness Among Us is the tenth chapter DLC for the well-known asymmetrical multiplayer horror game, Dead by Daylight. This add-on includes a new killer, survivor, and an entirely new map. In addition, new features await players in terms of gameplay, providing them with fresh experiences.


The plot in DBD Darkness Among Us is an action-packed story, hidden beneath the cover of everyday routine. It tells the story of a group of rebellious teenagers led by Frank, who form a violent pack- The Legion. Julie, Suzie, Joey, and the group leader Frank, sow chaos in the city of Ormond in Alberta and will do anything to escape from the reality of living in a small town, including bullying, vandalism and theft.

At the same time, the quiet and always calm artist, Jeff Johansen, returns to his hometown of Ormond to confront his past. He will have to adjust to the mess introduced by The Legion and it may occur to be harder than it seems.

Dead by Daylight - Darkness Among Us


The gameplay of DBD divides players into two factions, Killers and Survivors. As the names of the groups suggest, Survivors try to avoid being caught by using various skills and items available on the map. On the contrary, Killers want to get their opponents as soon as possible and deprive them of their lives.

Chapter 10 introduces many new elements, not only to the plot but also to the gameplay. Feral Frenzy is an ability that allows The Legion to fight multiple survivors at once, constantly increasing both speed and power. This skill highlights in some way, how important freedom is for the group.

On the other hand, Jeff Johansen has three special perks that allow for breaking hooks, cooperating with the rest of the survivors, and hiding his aura from the killer - Breakdown, Aftercare, and Distortion.

Key features:

  • Unpredictable multiplayer action gameplay.
  • New Killer - The Legion, a group of rebels led by a mastermind named Frank.
  • New Survivor - Jeff Johansen, a quiet artist born in Ormond.
  • New Map - Mount Ormond Resort, which is linked with the backstory of The Legion. This is where they hung out and planned their weekend crime activities.

Release Date: 2018-12-11

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Hry
Digitální platforma: Steam
Typ distribúcie: elektronická
Násilie: 0
Vulgarizmy: 0
Diskriminácia: 0
Drogy: 0
Desivé prvky: 0
Hazard: 0
Online režim: 0
Sex: 0
Procesor (minimálny): Intel Core i3-4170 or AMD FX-8120
Grafika (minimálna): DX11 Compatible GeForce GTX 460 1GB or AMD HD 6850 1GB
Pamäť (minimálna): 8 GB RAM
Miesto na disku (minimálne): 25 GB available space
Systém (minimálny): 64-bit Operating Systems (Windows 7, Windows 8.1)
Iné (minimálne): directx: Version 11, soundCard: DX11 compatible
Procesor (odporúčaný): Intel Core i3-4170 or AMD FX-8300 or higher
Grafika (odporúčané): DX11 Compatible GeForce 760 or AMD HD 8800 or higher with 4GB of RAM
Pamäť (odporúčané): 8 GB RAM
Miesto na disku (odporúčané): 25 GB available space
Systém (odporúčané): 64-bit Operating Systems (Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or above)

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