Dead By Daylight - Silent Hill Chapter DLC (PC) Steam Key

Kód: 92113100031SK5027
€16,67 €13,55 bez DPH
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Dead By Daylight Silent Hill key is meant to be used on the Steam platform.

Warning! This DLC requires the base game Dead by Daylight on Steam in order to play.

Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer horror game developed by Behaviour Interactive studio and released in 2016. What's interesting, DbD is an asymmetrical multiplayer game - four players play as Survivors, trying to escape The Killer's clutches, who are controlled by the fifth player. The Silent Hill Chapter is a DLC introducing a new, original map, a new survivor, and the Killer. Additionally, the new chapter includes new unique perks and abilities modifying the gameplay. Dead By Daylight: Silent Hill Chapter requires a base version of Dead by Daylight game.

Dead by Daylight gameplay mechanics

The gameplay in DbD differs significantly, depending on what character we are playing. While playing as one of the Survivors, the action is presented from the third-person perspective. The fact that we can't do any serious harm to the Killer forces us to be smart and careful. It is worth remembering that as a Survivor you have three other players on your side and teamwork is your strongest 'weapon'. However, you can't hide forever and most probably the Killer will catch one of the Survivors. In that situation, other players must make a difficult decision - help your friend, or save yourself and let the victim die.

Dead By Daylight - Silent Hill Chapter - The Game

It is worth adding that each Survivor is unique and features different abilities, specialties, and perks. Playing as the Killer is a totally different experience. First of all, the action is presented from the first-person perspective. It is easy to guess that the main goal of the Killer is to catch and kill all the Survivors. Even though every Killer available in the game is much stronger than any Survivor, catching them is not easy. They are faster, sneaky, and can rely on their teammates. Additionally, the third-person perspective used by Survivor players helps them to observe their surroundings on a totally different level. Just like their opponents, Killers are unique, featuring different weapons, skills, and perks.

The Silent Hill Chapter

Dead by Daylight: Silent Hill Chapter introduces new characters, a new map, and a number of new perks and abilities, taken straight from the Silent Hill franchise. Cheryl Mason joins the group of Survivors. Previously known as Heather, she tried to build a new life after the tragic death of her father. She's caring, impulsive, and ready to do anything that's necessary to survive. Cheryl has three unique perks that will help her in hopeless encounters against brutal Killers: Soul Guard, Blood Pact, and Repressed Alliance.

Dead By Daylight Silent Hill

The Executioner, also known as the Pyramid Head is a horrifying, and merciless monster, a true living nightmare. He is obsessed with the idea of punishment, and the pain that comes with it. He wanders through Silent Hill, fulfilling his gruesome duty. This character introduces a new special power called Rites of Judgement, and three new perks: Forced Penance, Trail of Torment, and Deathbound.

Key Features

  • A completely new chapter of Dead by Daylight! 
  • Face horrors of the infamous Silent Hill.
  • Discover new perks and powers
  • Play as the legendary Pyramid Head - terrorize the Survivors and punish them with pain
  • The new Silent Hill map will make you feel chills crawling up your spine!

Release Date: 2020-06-16

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Hry
Digitální platforma: Steam
Typ distribúcie: elektronická
Vydavateľ: Behaviour Interactive
Násilie: 0
Vulgarizmy: 0
Diskriminácia: 0
Drogy: 0
Desivé prvky: 0
Hazard: 0
Online režim: 0
Sex: 0
Procesor (minimálny): Intel Core i3-4170 or AMD FX-8120
Grafika (minimálna): DX11 Compatible GeForce GTX 460 1GB or AMD HD 6850 1GB
Pamäť (minimálna): 8 GB RAM
Miesto na disku (minimálne): 25 GB available space
Systém (minimálny): 64-bit Operating Systems (Windows 7, Windows 8.1)
Procesor (odporúčaný): Intel Core i3-4170 or AMD FX-8300 or higher
Grafika (odporúčané): DX11 Compatible GeForce 760 or AMD HD 8800 or higher with 4GB of RAM
Pamäť (odporúčané): 8 GB RAM
Miesto na disku (odporúčané): 25 MB available space
Systém (odporúčané): 64-bit Operating Systems (Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or above)7, Windows 8 & Windows 8.1 or above)

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