Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred - Ultimate Edition DLC (XSX/S) Xbox Live Key

Kód: 92113100031SK8252
€105,17 €85,50 bez DPH Kalkulačka splátok
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Upozornenie: DLC - Tento produkt je doplnok ku základnej hre (downloadable content) a neobsahuje základnú hru! Doplnok je možné uplatniť iba ak vlastníte základnú hru ku danému doplnku na príslušnej Platforme!

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Warning! This DLC requires the base game Diablo IV in order to play.

Notice! This game can be played on Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S. This version is optimized for Xbox Series X/S and may feature enhanced performance compared to Xbox One consoles.

Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred - Ultimate Edition includes:

  • Vessel of Hatred
  • Nahantu Veilwalker Spiritborn Armor

Plus, immediate access to the below items in Diablo IV:

  • Hratli, the Canine Pet
  • Natalya, the Tiger Pet
  • Nahantu War-Cat Mount and Armor Bundle
  • Nahantu Unearthed Armor Bundle (5 class armor sets)
  • Wings of the Faith Cosmetic
  • Nahantu Themed Town Portal
  • 3,000 Platinum
  • One Seasonal Premium Battle Pass Token

Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred is the first expansion pack of Diablo IV (2023). This highly anticipated DLC was developed and self-published by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. on the 8th of October, 2024. Get your D4 Vessel of Hatred key today!

A long-awaited expansion

Diablo IV, the fourth and the latest installment of the renowned Diablo series, is a critically acclaimed action RPG/hack-and-slash game that has won the hearts of its players by combining the classic gameplay of the franchise with open-world MMO game elements. Instantly becoming one of the best-selling games of 2023, Diablo IV has finally got an expansion pack - get ready to come back to Sanctuary with Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred!

The Diablo IV: Vessel for Hatred expansion pack includes new in-game content and features as well as multiple base game updates such as added Paragon Boards, Legendary Glyphs, new skills, dungeons, activities, and more. Get to know the next chapter of Diablo IV with brand-new campaign additions, a new region and class, and PvE co-op end-game activity! Discover new Mercenaries and Pets that will assist you during your stay in the mysterious world of Sanctuary!

Please keep in mind that Diablo IV is an online-only PvE and PvP video game, therefore a stable Internet connection is needed to play it.

Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred

Welcome to Nahantu

Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred picks up the thrilling Diablo IV story after the events of the main game. Delve deep into the ancient jungle to search for Neyrelle and uncover Mephisto’s vicious plans. Discover a new area of Nahantu, a stunning jungle region of Sanctuary known also as Torajan Jungles.

This sixth main geographic area of the Diablo IV video game features new towns, dungeons, and strongholds, and is inhabited by a roster of enemies ranging from dangerous tribesmen to bloodthirsty demons. Designed to contrast with the darker tones of the base game area, Nahantu is a truly sensational expansion to the Sanctuary map.

The Spiritborn

Jump back into your favorite action-adventure game with a brand-new class, the Spiritborn, empowered by mystical Spirits of the Spirit Realm.

As members of an ancient Nahantu civilization, the Spiritborn are powerful and versatile warriors who call upon the unique strengths of four Spirit Guardians. Use the powers of Rezoka (The Jaguar), Wumba (The Gorilla), Kwatli (The Eagle), and Balazan (The Centipede) to choose your preferred playstyle and develop one Spirit Guardian’s skills or mix and match them. Use the class mechanic of Spirit Hall - combine primary and secondary Spirit Effects to create unique synergies and ultimately bring your fighting skills to a whole new level!

Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred

D4 Vessel of Hatred key features:

  • Discover a brand-new part of the Diablo IV story with the long-awaited Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred!
  • Unlock a new class - the Spiritborn - an apex predator of the jungle supported by the powers of mystical Spirits!
  • Explore the new region of Sanctuary with Nahantu, a lush yet mysterious jungle area.
  • Experience various additions and upgrades to the main game, such as Mercenaries, Pets, skills, dungeons, activities, and more!

Release Date: 2024-10-08

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Hry
Digitální platforma: Xbox Live
Typ distribúcie: elektronická
Vydavateľ: Blizzard Entertainment
Násilie: 0
Vulgarizmy: 0
Diskriminácia: 0
Drogy: 0
Desivé prvky: 0
Hazard: 0
Online režim: 0
Sex: 0

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