Green Hell VR (PC) Steam Key

Kód: 10000339815001
€18,33 €14,90 bez DPH
Elektronický kľúč - do 1 hod. (dodanie Po-Pi,9:00-17:00)

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Podrobný popis

Notice: Requires a virtual reality headset.

Green Hell VR is the most complex and authentic survival game for VR. The game faithfully recreates the dangerous conditions of the Amazon jungle. Alone and stranded, you will never feel safe. To survive, you have to face your weaknesses. Maintaining hunger, thirst, fatigue and mental health is going to be an integral part of your journey. Wild animal attacks and tropical diseases could strike you down at any time and out of nowhere if you are not prepared. Since you won’t get any help from the outside world, you need to craft your tools and weapons, learn how to build shelters, and heal nasty wounds.


You are Jake Higgins, a famous anthropologist, who is thrown deep into the emerald and impenetrable Amazonian rain forest. The green hell. Surrounded by predators with only your trusty smartwatch, backpack, and the survival guide you grabbed just before leaving home, you will follow the familiar voice of a loved one through this endless and inhospitable jungle, unveiling bit by bit how you got there in the first place. What you discover will be worse than what you fought so hard against to survive.

Green Hell VR

Realistic VR Mechanics

  • Crafting - you find yourself lost in the Amazon with almost nothing, so knowing how to craft crafting is your best friend. The VR experience makes crafting even more authentic as you need to find the right elements and combine them to make tools, weapons, bandages, and more.
  • Building - construct yourself a safe place to spend the night as sleeping on bare ground in the jungle may not be the best idea. Build a temporary shelter or find a perfect location, gather materials, and construct your base to cook what you found during your exploration, and to protect yourself from dangers lurking in the shadows.
  • Healing - inspect your limbs, bandage wounds, and extract parasites. Experiment with different treatments to survive in the wild. You will discover plants and their medical potential by mixing them and making a brew. Be careful though, some ingredients don’t go together, and some... well, you’ll see.
  • Food sources - you can hunt your dinner down, or you can choose not to kill animals. There are tasty and nutritious fruits like coconuts or bananas, a lot of unknown mushrooms, and plenty of plants, bulbs, and nuts to discover. These may be the sources of healthy proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, or they can have opposite effects! Be careful and stay healthy to survive.

VR Was Made For Games Like This!

With its vast mechanics based on natural movement and physics, and almost no visible UI and realistic gameplay elements such as your backpack and the map, Green Hell VR is highly immersive and gives you an opportunity to learn survival techniques in a harsh, demanding environment. Good luck!

Green Hell VR

Unique Features

  • Setting: deadly yet beautiful Amazon rainforest
  • Human-made structures to explore
  • Realistic body inspection
  • Multitude of different animal and plant species
  • Environment and body condition impact on your sanity
  • Day and night cycle with various weather conditions
  • Moving story rooted in modern reality
  • Ranged and melee combat

Release Date: 2022-06-09

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Hry
Digitální platforma: Steam
Typ distribúcie: elektronická
Vydavateľ: Incuvo SA
Násilie: 0
Vulgarizmy: 0
Diskriminácia: 0
Drogy: 0
Desivé prvky: 0
Hazard: 0
Online režim: 0
Sex: 0
Procesor (minimálny): 3.2 GHz Quad Core Processor (Core i5-7500 / Ryzen 5 1600)
Grafika (minimálna): GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER or equivalent with 6 GB of video RAM
Pamäť (minimálna): 8 GB RAM
Miesto na disku (minimálne): 8 GB available space
Systém (minimálny): Windows 7/8/10/11 64-bit
Iné (minimálne): VR Support: SteamVR or Oculus PC
Procesor (odporúčaný): 3.4 GHz Quad Core Processor (Intel Core i5-11400F / Ryzen 5 3600)
Grafika (odporúčané): GeForce RTX 3060 or equivalent with 8 GB of video RAM
Pamäť (odporúčané): 16 GB RAM
Miesto na disku (odporúčané): 8 GB available space
Systém (odporúčané): Windows 10/11 64-bit

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