Minecraft: Dungeons - Ultimate Edition (XSX) Xbox Live Key

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€19,53 €15,88 bez DPH
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Warning! This game can be played on Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S. This version is optimized for Xbox Series X/S and may feature enhanced performance compared to Xbox One consoles.

Minecraft Dungeons is an action-role-playing game developed by Mojang and published by Xbox Game Studios. A spin-off of a popular sandbox title, Dungeons introduces a completely new approach to Minecraft gameplay. Instead of focusing on creative process. MS emphasizes dungeon-crawling action. The game features traditional RPG mechanics, such as character classes, progression through leveling, looting enemies for items and more. The story of MD revolves around the Arch Illager, whose dark reign threatens the peaceful lives of other villagers. Minecraft Dungeons received positive initial reception from the critics, who stated that the game is an excellent action-RPG title with a fun world, easy-to-learn mechanics and a lot of promise.

Minecraft Dungeons game graphics

Mine through your enemies in action-RPG gameplay

The first thing the player will notice is that Minecraft Dungeons game is a completely different genre than its original. Unlike Minecraft, Dungeons focuses on action and exploration of dungeons in search of items. The player starts the game by creating their own character. MD offers three classes fro the player to choose from – swordsman, wizard and double-sickle fighter. Each class has their unique abilities, like the wizard’s spells, and can be equipped with various items: armors, weapons, etc. The items can also be enchanted with various effects, allowing for further customization.

MD maps are randomly generated and so is its content. The player will encounter monsters known from the original Minecraft, like Skeletons and Creepers, as well as strong bosses. There are also various chests full of different types of loot, unique weapons and other collectibles for the player to gather. The dungeons also spawn puzzles for the player to solve for additional items. They are hidden in the nooks and crannies of the maps so the player will have to pay attention to find them all. Minecraft Dungeons includes a four-player co-op mode, in which the player can join and leave the game at any time. The difficulty will be adjusted each time the player’s party changes.

Minecraft Dungeons 2020

The rise of the Arch Illager

There’s a truth in saying “don’t tease the bull or you’ll get the horns”. In case of this story, the bull was Arch Illager and the horns were a magical artifact that gave him powers beyond imagination. Using his new dark arts, the Arch Illager turned against the bullies who shunned him, forcing them into becoming his slaves. With an army at his command, Arch Illager marched on other villages, robbing and destroying everything within his sight. However, a few brave warriors decided to put an end to his reign of terror. They set out to defeat Arch Illager and reclaim everything that he has stolen.


The initial reception of Minecraft Dungeons was positive. The reviewers noted how the game did not try to become the next best dungeon crawler and treated every gameplay aspect with the lightheartedness of the original game. The critics praised the developer’s choices to make an approachable title, which can be played and enjoyed by both the newcomers and veterans of the genre.

Release Date: 2021-09-22

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Hry
Digitální platforma: Xbox Live
Typ distribúcie: elektronická
Vydavateľ: Xbox Game Studios
Násilie: Hra obsahuje prvky násilia
Vulgarizmy: 0
Diskriminácia: 0
Drogy: 0
Desivé prvky: Hra obsahuje hororové alebo desivé prvky
Hazard: 0
Online režim: 0
Sex: 0

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