Planet Coaster Deluxe Edition (PC) Steam Key

Kód: 10000030071006
€39,23 €31,89 bez DPH
Elektronický kľúč - do 1 hod. (dodanie Po-Pi,9:00-17:00)

Elektronické kľúče dodávame počas pracovných dní od 9:00-17:00 emailom do 1 hodiny od potvrdenia objednávky a platby. Cez víkendy a sviatky, kľúče nedodávame, dodanie prebehne bezodkladne najbližší pracovný deň!

Tento tovar je elektronický obsah (kľúč), ktorý štandardne zasielame mailom zdarma. Pri zvolení dopravy Zásielkovňa alebo Kuriér - vytlačíme kľúč na kartu a zašleme. Dobierku ku produktu robíme len na vyžiadanie zákazníkom. Tovar po dodaní (zaslaní mailu alebo prevzatí obálky) nie je možné vrátiť a to ani do 14 dní bez udania dôvodu.

Tento produkt je možné aktivovať iba cez konto STEAM.

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Detailné informácie

Podrobný popis

This product includes:

  • Planet Coaster
  • Planet Coaster - Spooky Pack
  • Planet Coaster - Adventure Pack
  • Planet Coaster - Studios Pack
  • Planet Coaster - Vintage Pack
  • Planet Coaster - World's Fair Pack

Planet Coaster (PC) for Steam platform is a digital product – no box included. The price applies to a digital version of the product.

From the creators of RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 comes a new and better than ever theme park manager simulator. Become the king of macro- and micro-management as a new owner of a plot of land, a bunch of engineers, and hope for a future. Create jaw dropping rollercoaster rides, thematic adventures, and high-sugar drinks in Planet Coaster (PC).

Unbound creativity

Create the best rollercoaster ride in history using the incredible tools at your disposal and intuitive interface. In Planet Coaster you can shape and tweak nearly any element you wish. Make it fit the theme you want and the perfect geometry of motion you envisioned. With convenient terramorphing tools not even the Earth itself will stand in your way to creating the most thrilling theme park in history. Make valleys, hills, tunnels, and lakes like a god of rollercoaster engineering.

Friendly graphics and gameplay

Planet Coaster is one of the few games where you get to bring joy, not death, to the inhabitants of the digital realm. Where other games allow you limitless destruction and mastery of life and death, Planet Coaster promises you the same in addition to the unending pleasure of creating something enjoyed by others. Watch how friendly-looking cartoonish guests enjoy (or don't) your latest magnum opus and react vividly to the attractions they are offered. Planet Coaster is beautifully rendered, allowing you to enjoy the park you've envisioned in 3D.

Full Steam Workshop integration

If you ever find yourself somehow strapped for ideas or options (an unlikely occurrence), turn to Steam Workshop. Planet Coaster in addition to scores of options and tweaks allows players to upload their ideas as blueprints for others to use. Seamless integration guarantees excellent gameplay experience and virtually endless possibilities.

Three ways to play

Planet Coaster has three core game modes for you to choose. Career gives you control of a half-finished park and sets certain objectives for you to accomplish. Challenge is a plot of land, limited budget and technology, and freedom to proceed from there. Finally Sandbox gives you limitless resources and options and lets your imagination run wild.

Key features:

Planet Coaster is created by the developers who brought the world the legendary RollerCoaster Tycoon 3. Planet Coaster gameplay is sure to satisfy every fan of micro- and macro-managing and boundless creativity.

Planet Coaster features

    • Endless possibilities - imagine a perfect theme park and then make it happen using extensive and intuitive toolkit. Creation at your fingertips in mere minutes!

    • Friendly presentation - Planet Coaster guests are presented in a friendly, cartoonish way and are very expressive despite speaking gibberish. See their thoughts and learn what they think of your park

    • Terraforming at its finest - the features of your park aren't the only thing you control. Reshape the land you're given with a few clicks. The land is your playground as well

    • Steam Workshop integration - when you run out of good and bad ideas, you can get new blueprints uploaded to Steam Workshop by other users and use them in your game without any problem

Release Date: 2016-11-17

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Hry
Digitální platforma: Steam
Typ distribúcie: elektronická
Vydavateľ: Frontier Developments
Násilie: 0
Vulgarizmy: 0
Diskriminácia: 0
Drogy: 0
Desivé prvky: 0
Hazard: 0
Online režim: 0
Sex: 0
Procesor (minimálny): Intel i5-2300 / AMD FX-4300
Grafika (minimálna): nVidia GTX 560 (2GB) / AMD Radeon 7850 (2GB)
Pamäť (minimálna): 8 GB RAM
Miesto na disku (minimálne): 8 GB available space
Systém (minimálny): Windows 7 (SP1+) / 8.1 / 10 64bit
Procesor (odporúčaný): Intel i7-4770 / AMD FX-8350
Grafika (odporúčané): nVidia GTX 980 (4GB) / AMD R9 380 (4GB)
Pamäť (odporúčané): 12 GB RAM
Miesto na disku (odporúčané): 8 GB available space
Systém (odporúčané): Windows 7 (SP1+) / 8.1 / 10 64bit

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+ - rýchle doručenie

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+ Rýchle dodanie.

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+ Rýchlost

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vrelo doporučujem
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