WWE 2K24 (PC) Steam Key

Kód: 10000503273002
WWE 2K24 (PC) Steam Key
€69,49 €56,50 bez DPH Kalkulačka splátok
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Nightmare Family Pack

  • Dusty Rhodes ('76) + MyFACTION Card
  • Stardust
  • Undashing Cody Rhodes
  • "Superstar" Billy Graham
  • Mattel Cody Rhodes (Bruised) Playable Character and MyFACTION Card
  • Pharaoh Manager MyFACTION Card

Experience a gripping retelling of WrestleMania’s greatest moments in 2K Showcase of the Immortals in WWE 2K24, where you can relive a collection of some of the most unforgettable, career-defining matches.

WWE 2K24 is a professional wrestling sports video game developed by Visual Concepts and published by 2K. It is the twenty-fourth installment of the video game series based on WWE, the eleventh game under the WWE 2K banner, and the successor to WWE 2K23.

WWE 2K24


The game features a tribute to WrestleMania in 2K Showcase of the Immortals, where you can recreate iconic moments and help some of WWE’s Legends claim their place in the record books as undisputed champions.

It also includes all-new match types such as Guest Referee, Casket, Gauntlet, and Ambulance matches, including support for multiple Superstars in Backstage Brawl. You can embark on two action-packed career arcs as you ascend from a WWE Recruit to a decorated WWE Champion in MyRISE.

WWE 2K24

You can collect and build your ideal WWE faction using Superstars and Legends from every era in MyFACTION. You can assume the role of general manager and draft an elite roster of WWE Superstars in MyGM mode.

WWE 2K24 boasts single-player and online multiplayer matches, including the all-new ranked quickplay. Compete against rival factions around the world and earn new rewards in the process as you establish yourself atop the seasonal leaderboard.

WWE 2K24

Key Features:

  • FORTY YEARS OF WRESTLEMANIA - WrestleMania is the biggest event in sports entertainment, where Superstars become WWE Legends.
  • AN ICONIC ROSTER - WWE 2K24 boasts a star-studded roster featuring WWE Legends like “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, Undertaker, and Andre the Giant, alongside current WWE Superstars like “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes, John Cena, Rhea Ripley, and Roman Reigns.
  • NEW MATCH TYPES - From Guest Referee to Casket, Gauntlet, and Ambulance matches, there are a bevy of new match types to experience in WWE 2K24, including support for multiple Superstars in Backstage Brawl.
  • PROVE YOURSELF IN MyRISE - Unleash your raw talent and become the undisputed champ in MyRISE, featuring two thrilling career arcs and original storylines chronicling your ascent to WWE stardom from the men's and women’s divisions.
  • BUILD YOUR FACTION - Assemble your favorite WWE Superstars and Legends in MyFACTION. Acquire cards, build a dominant faction, compete in online multiplayer and the all-new ranked quickplay.
  • CONTROL THE WWE UNIVERSE - Develop feuds, weekly shows, and more in Universe mode, WWE 2K24’s ultimate sandbox, with expanded rivalry actions, all-new cutscenes, and support for double-title matches!
  • CALL THE SHOTS IN MyGM -Oversee the biggest brands and Superstars in sports entertainment as you challenge rival general managers for the top spot in MyGM. Explore more match types, more brands, and new general managers. Trade Superstars between brands, make executive decisions on contracts, and amp up the drama.

Release Date: 2024-03-08

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Hry
Digitální platforma: Steam
Typ distribúcie: elektronická
Násilie: 0
Vulgarizmy: 0
Diskriminácia: 0
Drogy: 0
Desivé prvky: 0
Hazard: 0
Online režim: 0
Sex: 0

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